Richard began stand-up comedy in 2011 and has won several awards, written and performed three acclaimed shows at
the Edinburgh Festival and club sets at Up The Creek,
Komedia, Latitude Festival, XS Malarky and in a
bath tub during a house party
(he is that versatile).
He wrote Spatulahead: an animated
short commissioned by Channel 4
for their Random Acts program. The
film went on to be selected for show
at The TorontoAnimation Arts Festival,
The Melbourne Film Festival and the
London International Film Festival and
was nominated for best animation at the
RoyalTelevision Society Northeast
and Border.
He works part time with vulnerable adults facilitating art workshops, organising exhibitions and selling their work and was recognised in the Big Issue as one of their top 100 changemakers of 2019.
His short stories have been published in several small
press publications and his illustration work won him
best poster design at the 2017 Brighton Fringe.
A fan of symmetry in design he will write
anything, even the most mundane,
expositional confession, to make
a paragraph line up with
the one opposite.